Thursday, January 11, 2007

Where’s Pat?

I read in “ThisWeek” news that U.S. Rep. Pat Tiberi (R-Genoa Township) has agreed to emcee the Northland Community Council (NCC) civic association awards again this year. The NCC has been in operation for over forty years and was established to promote and foster the development and improvement of the NCC services area, which includes the S.Rt. 161 commercial corridor (East Dublin Granville Rd.) and surrounding neighborhoods.

I find the NCC’s allegiance to Pat a little depressing since Rep. Tiberi moved his family out of the old neighborhood to a 3400 sq. ft. home in Genoa Township valued by the Delaware County Auditor at around $566,000. My Italian friend who lives in Forest Park, a subdivision along the 161 business corridor was more succinct. Feeling abandoned by Rep. Tiberi among the deteriorating neighborhoods, crime, and abandoned storefronts, he stated, “ I will never vote for that *$##!! again.”

Perhaps Pat believes that some face time with the folks in his old neighborhood is enough. My friend disagrees.

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